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Exercise 5. arrange the following words in pairs of (a) synonyms and (b) antonyms: a) awareness, inception, akin, various, to appear, not new, compulsory, to practice, guess, beginning, con- jecture, diverse, to instigate, trite, indispensable, to rehearse, like, desire, deep thought, to emerge, con- templation, aspiration; b) relevance, to disappear, confirmation, irrelevance to emerge, conjecture, to hide, concurrent, to de- bunk, sequential

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Ответы на вопрос:

40*12=480 карандашей в 40 коробках

560-480=80 фломастеров в 10 коробках

80/10=8  фломастеров в 1 коробке

40*12=480(карандаши). 560-480=80(фломастеры). 80: 10=8(фломастеры) ответ : 8 фломастеров было в каждой коробке.

not new - relevance

to appear - to disappear

to emerge - to hide

akin - concurrent

diverse - sequental

indispensable - irrelevance to emerge

guess - conjecture

What kind of skin was the biggame hunter showing a charming young lady? (the skin of a a lion that he had shot) what did the hunter have on when he jumped out of the bed and shot the lion? (he was in his hispyjamas) who told the story about the famous biggame hunter? (hob did that) what way did hob remind of the story of the famous biggame hunter? (olaf's saying got him remind it) what was the futher after olaf had taken off his pyjamas? (he had his bath, and then put on some clothes) what does olaf wear sometimes in the country in winter? (a cap) if it is very cold, does olaf sometimes wear a scarf round his neck? (yes, he does) according to the text, when olaf go out in winter, does he put on jeans or a t-shirt? (no, he doesn't) is a ready-made suit considerably cheaper than having one made to measure? (yes, it is) what was the only ready-made thing that fitted a fat man? (a handkerchief)

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