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Визначитии суму внутрышных кутыв опуклого семикутника

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Ответы на вопрос:

i will be told - i was told to me tellto me will show - to me showed to me showit gave — it give — it will giveus asked – us ask – us will askto us answered - to us answer – to us will answerus sent – us send – us will sendthey were given – they are given – they will be givento it helped – to it help - to it will helpto it advised - to it advise - to it will adviseus invited - us invite - us will invitehim called - his name is - him will call

Tga=cb/ac cb=ac*tga=12*2  √10  /3=8√10 ab=√(ac²+cb²)=√(144+64*10)=√784=28

Популярно: Геометрия