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Письменно переведите текст. pentode when in an operating tube the screen-grid voltage is high, secondary emission does not return to the plate and passes to the screen grid. this re¬sults in a counter flow of electrons. to eliminate this counter flow, a third grid was placed between the plate and the screen grid and connected to the cathode. this grid is called a suppressor grid. since the suppressor grid has a negative potential it returns the secondary emission back to the plate and thus eliminates it in the tube. the tube containing electrodes - the cathode, the plate, the control grid, the screen grid and the suppressor grid - is called a pentode. the cathode emits electrons, the plate collects them, the control grid controls the flow of electrons, the screen grid helps the plate to collect electrons and reduces the capacity between the control grid and the plate, the suppressor grid eliminates the secondary emission.

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Her name is Goldilocks. She’s got golden hair. Everyone loves her. Every day she goes to the village.

Goldilocks is eating her dinner with her mother.

The house is nice and tidy. three brown bears lived in it and even seeing goldilocks and her pranks forgave her and helped her out of the forest. Now, every morning, goldilocks walk into the forest to play with the bear.

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