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Вкаждом предложении найдите грамматическую ошибку. 1)elles nous ont présenté ses parents. 2)les erreurs que vous avez fait sont graves. 3)je ne les ai pas encore vu. 4)tu dormes déja? 5)il faut lui le rappeler.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The teacher to us that we gone home

2. The teacher said to me that I had not done me work well.

3. Helen asked Where did have you put her book

4. I asked to Nancy your friend did live in London?

5. The teacher said to the class that Wе would discuss that subject the following day.

6. My friends said me explained to his how to solve that problem

7. She said waiter brought her а сuр of strong coffee

8. The old mаn said girl that she could sing perfectly. She think she would bе а famous singer."

9. Dad said to us that we had gone to the cinema that morning.

10. She said that she had spend her holidays in the Crimea last year?

11. He said that that If he was free tonight, he would be there with me

12. I said to Mike that he sent me a telegram as soon as he arrive.

13. She said that they were leaving next Tuesday.

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