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Nthe oceans will operate thousands of farms that will produce food on an unprecedented scale.distant transmission of thoughts become reality.thanks to advances in genetics, we will be able to create people with the highest level of intelligence, possessing immortality.we will learn to fully control the weather.antarctica lose its status reserve.will be introduced single world currency.will be a direct link between the human brain and the computer.nanorobots will circulate in our blood system, doing repairs cells and recording our thoughts.fusion will become a reality.in the world there will be a total of three languages - english, spanish and chinese.same-sex marriages will be accepted in most countries.california becomes the first state to come from the united states.space elevator make space accessible to all.artificial insemination will completely replace the natural.the natural habitat of humans and animals will be destroyed, and it will be replaced by parks and museums.deserts turn into tropical forests.marriage will change the conclusion of annual contracts.sovereign states will disappear, they will be replaced by a world government.the war will be conducted solely by remote means. in britain, a revolution.

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