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1.you will enjoy yourself if you (поедете в италию) 2.ask him if he (поедет в италию) 3.i don't know when he ( приедет из лондона) 4.i'll phone to him when he (приедет из лондона) 5.i'll talk to him if i (увижу его сегодня) 6.i'm not sure if i (увижу его сегодня) 7.if air pollution gets worce (никто не сможет отдохнуть) 8.if daniel trains hard (он одержит победу) 9.i shall not get up at 5 in the mornong if i (не сделаю уборку) 10.when you come to london(вы увидите много достопримечательностей)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. you will enjoy yourself if you  go to italy. 2. ask him if he  goes to italy .  3. i don't know when he  comes back from london. 4. i'll phone to him when he  comes back from london. 5. i'll talk to him if i  see him today. 6. i'm not sure if i  see him today. 7. if air pollution gets worse,  no one can have a rest. 8. if daniel trains hard,  he will win. 9. i shall not get up at 5 in the mornong if i  don't do the cleaning. 10. when you come to london,  you'll see many sights .

1. you will enjoy yourself if you go to italy.2. ask him if he goes to italy. 3. i don't know when he comes back from london.4. i'll phone to him when he will come back from london.5. i'll talk to him if i see him today6. i'm   not sure if i will see him today.7. if air pollution gets worse, no one can have a rest.8. if daniel trains hard, he'll win.9. i shall not get up at 5 in the mornong if i don't do the cleaning.10. when you come to london, you will see many sights.

On one side was a large hill near which was a  small field where grazing: cow, horse and sheep. on the other hand was a large river over which was a bridge.  which this second hand so wasa small garden with along way. in this garden grew a large tree which had apples. такой подходит? ) 

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