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1. if you (to heat) plastic it (to start) . 2. if parents ( to know ) about the plane times, they (to meet) me then. 3. if carry (stay) longer at the resort, she ( to have) a good time. 4. if we (not to go) to your friend's party yesterday, i never ( to meet) a mayor. 5. if theatre tickets (be) cheaper, more people (use) them. 6. if maggy ( to get) that work, she (to move) to moscow. 7. if alice ( to know) anything about grammar at that time, she (help) us. 8. he ( not to have) an accident on monday if he (not to drive) more carefully. 9. if marry (to have) money, (to go) to the university next year. 10. if you (leave) six in the morning ( to be) there in time. решите умоляю, тема conditionals

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Ответы на вопрос:

Heat , starts had known ,would have met stays , hashad gone , would have metwere , would getgets , will movehad known, would have helped had had , would not have drivenhas , would go had left , would had been
4,6(29 оценок)

1the 2 the 3 the; - 4. - ; the 5. - ; the; the 6. - 7. the   думаю, так

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