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Вставить артикли exercise 10. insert articles where necessary.1. greater part of australia has subtropical climate.some regions have tropical climate. in south of country january everage temperature is 20°c above zeroand july average temperature is 9°c above zero. it rainshard in tropical north in summer. 2. canada [kænədə) isone of largest countries in world. it occupies northernpart of continent ['kontinənt] of north america[ɔ'merikɔ]. northern winds that blow from arctic oceaninfluence climate of canada. canada has continentalclimate with cold winters and hot summers. 3. it was frostymorning. 4. morning was warm and sunny and they wentfor hike in mountains. 5. july warmest month central regions of country. 6. did they come back at night? 7. winter is coming. it is getting colder and colder.8. it was very cold winter. average temperature wasaround 22°c below zero. 9. it was friday before he left for south.​

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