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Какие вещи правда про: королеву елизавету(е) королеву мари стюарт(м) обоих(о) 1. became queen as a cnild 2. had three husbands 3.died violently 4.died at the age of seventy 5. had a son

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: какие вещи правда про: королеву елизавету(е)

королеву мари стюарт(м)


1. became queen as a cnild   м

2. had three husbands   м

3.died violently   м

4.died at the age of seventy   е

5. had a son м


1 a: why are you in such a hurry ? present simple

b: i'm worried. my exam starts ( present simple по расписанию экзамен)

2 a: i am thinking of changing school. ( present continuous-подумывает о смене школы)

b: i don’t think ( present simple) it's a good idea. you'll be lonely.

3 a: why are you angry? present simple

b: my sister is always taking my clothes. ( present continuous-раздражение)

4 a: tom looks very stressed. present simple ( выглядит уставшим)

b: yes. he is studying a lot these days. present continuous ( учится в эти дни,а не постоянно)

5. a: why are you leaving now? present continuous действие совершается в момент говорения

b: my train leaves in an hour. present simple по расписанию уходит поезд

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