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Поставить четыре вопроса на к тексту: a youth subculture is a youth-based culture with distinct styles, behaviours and interests. according to culture theorists such as dick hebdige, members of a subculture often signal their membership by making distinctive and symbolic tangible choices in, for example, clothing styles, hairstyles and footwear. however, intangible elements, such as common interests, dialects and slang, music genres and gathering places can also be an important factor. youth subcultures offer participants an identity outside of that ascribed by social institutions such as family, work, home and school.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1)what is youth subculture

2)moving members of the subculture

3)list the intangible elements of the subculture

4)that preach youth the subculture


1) что такое молодёжная субкультура

2)чем сигнализируют члены субкультуры

3)перечислите нематериальные элементов субкультуре

4)что проповедуют молодежная субкультура

1kate is doing her homework now. who is doing her homework now? kate is doing her homework now, isn't she? 2 they have already bought a new car. who has been already bought a new car? they have already bought a new car, haven't they? 3 she has been studying english for five years. who has been studying english for five years? she has been studying english for five years, hasn't she? 4 when he came home his mother was cooking dinner. who was cooking dinner when he came home? his mother was cooking dinner when he came home, wasn't she? 5 his friends will go abroad next year. who will go abroad next year? his friends will go abroad next year, won't they?

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