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Canswer the questions 1. which sentences/questions are in present simple? 1)do you like tea? 2)are you british? 3)she is sitting on the chair. 4)she dropped a glass of milk. 2. which sentences/questions are in present continuous? 1)he doesn't make the beds. 2)i often take photos 3)is the cat playing in the garden 4)they are not cleaning their room

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. which sentences/questions are in present simple?

1)do you like tea?

2)are you british?

2. which sentences/questions are in present continuous?

3)is the cat playing in the garden

4)they are not cleaning their room

ответ: в первом 1.

во втором 3.


present simple — действия совершаются каждый день, рутина


• + : vs/ves (в зависимости от окончания)

• - : don't/doesn't + v¹

• ? : do/does *подлежащее* *сказуемое в первой форме*?


he does his homework every day.

i don't ready for work.

do you know the way?

present continuous — продолжительное действие в настоящем


• + : is/are/am + ving

• - : isn't/aren't/am not + ving

• ? : is/are/am *подлежащее* *сказуемое с окончанием ing*?


he's looking for his pants.

i am waiting for my husband.

are you kidding me?

Ido not snake my hands he can't do anything the children don't ski my friends don't help me

Популярно: Английский язык