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Fill in at, on or in: 1. the headquarters of the united nations is ---------new york. 2. in the most countries people drive ------------the right. 3. i usually buy a newspaper my----- way to work. 4. last year we had a lovely skiing holiday---------the swiss alps. 5. san francisco is -------the west coast of the united states. 6. she spends most of the day sitting ------the window. 7. the report about the accident was ------the front page of the newspaper. 8. in the theatre we had seats -----the front row. 9. write the name and address -------the front page of the envelope. 10. it's dangerous to play football -------the streets. 11. i'll meet you --------the corner of the street at 10. 12. we got stuck in a traffic jam ---------the way to the airport. 13. look at the horses -----that field. 14. ---------the end of the street is a path to our house. 15. doyouwantsugar -------yourcoffee?

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6) T


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