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Спереводом на "стоит человеку начать врать в чём то одном, чтобы не попасться, продолжает врать до бесконечности" "высшее счастье жизни-это уверенность в том, что вас любят, любят ради вас самих, вернее сказать любят вопреки вам"

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Ответы на вопрос:


"once a person begins to lie in one thing, so as not to get caught, continues to lie indefinitely"

"the highest happiness of life is the confidence that you are loved, loved for your own sake, or rather love in spite of you"


"once a person begins to lie in something one thing, so as not to get caught, he continues to lie ad infinitum".

"the highest happiness of life is the certainty that you are loved, loved for your own sake, or rather, loved in spite of you".

1. jane said she had lost her job and she that she was short of money. 2. the boy asked his parents what they had bought him for christmas. 3. the mother told her son to go to his room and do his homework. 4. he told her he would really phone that morning.. 5. she said that he was reading the book then. 6. david said he had already done his test. 7. she asked where pete was going.

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