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football is my favorite sport.

  today, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. among my friends, classmates there are not many who are not interested in football, do not watch matches on tv, do not know the names of famous footballers and do not wear t-shirts with their images. almost all boys have a favorite sports team, the success of which they follow. in our family, this sports team is “zenith”. football is not just a sport, it is also a fun, exciting, interesting game.

a team game brings up, teaches to answer not only for themselves, but also for others. thanks to these games me and my friends becomes more friendly and cohesive. sports are generally good for health. but the team game also brings up. football develops accuracy, speed, intelligence, endurance.

my passion for football appeared in my childhood. probably due to the fact that my father did not miss a single football match that was broadcast on tv, and i really liked to be with him all the time. near my house there is a field in which, unfortunately, there is no gate. in the summer, my friends and i love to gather here to play football. and the gates are bushes and trees. i usually like to take the center forward position.

unfortunately, not all my friends share my passion for sports. some people think that it is much more interesting to walk around the village, play computer games, watch various programs on tv. they believe that spending time is more interesting and useful. very often they invite me to their own, as they call it, “party”. i have no desire to spend my time so uselessly. the reason is that i have an interesting, useful hobby - playing sports. and, fortunately, there are a lot of friends who share my interests.

in the future, i want to finish school, go to college and master some profession not related to sports. nevertheless, football will always remain my favorite sport. after all, sport is a source of vitality, health and good mood.

These two very old people are the father and mother of mr  bucket. their names are grandpa joe and grandma josephine. and these two very old people are the father and mother of    mrs bucket. their names are grandpa george and grandma georgina. this is mr bucket. this is mrs bucket.mr and mrs bucket have a small boy whose name is charlie. this is charlie.how d'you do? and how d'you do? and how d'you do again? he is pleased to meet you.the whole  of this family — the six grown-ups (count them) and little charlie bucket — live together into  a small wooden house on the edge of a great town.the house wasn't nearly large enough  for so many people, and life was extremely uncomfortable for  them all. there were only two rooms in the place altogether, and there was only one bed. the bed was given to the four old grandparents because they were so old and tired. they were so tired, they never got out of it. grandpa joe and grandma josephine on this side, grandpa george and grandma georgina  on this side. mr and mrs bucket and little charlie bucket slept in the other room, upon mattresses on the floor. in the summertime, this wasn't too bad, but  in the winter, freezing cold draughts blew  across the floor all night long, and it was awful. there wasn't any question of them being able  to buy a better house — or even one more bed to sleep in. they were far too poor  for that.mr bucket was the only person in the family  with a job. he worked in a toothpaste factory, where he sat all day long at a bench and screwed the little caps  on to the tops of the tubes of toothpaste after the tubes had been filled. but a toothpaste cap-screwer is never paid very much money, and poor mr bucket, however hard he worked, and however fast he screwed on the caps, was never able to make enough to buy one half of the things that so large a family needed. there wasn't even enough money to buy proper food for them all. the only meals they could afford were bread and margarine  for breakfast, boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch, and cabbage soup for supper. sundays were a bit better. they all looked forward  to sundays because then, although they had exactly the same, everyone was allowed a second helping. the buckets, of course, didn't starve, but every one of them — the two old grandfathers, the two old grandmothers, charlie's father, charlie's mother, and especially little charlie himself — went  about  from morning till night with a horrible empty feeling in their tummies. charlie felt it worst of all. and although his father and mother often went without their own share of lunch or supper so that they couldgive it  to him, it still wasn't nearly enough for a growing boy. he desperately wanted something more filling and satisfying than cabbage and cabbage soup. the one thing he longed for more than anything else was . . chocolate.

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