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Преобразуйте слова в скобках так,чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. when judy opened her eyes, it was late morning. she it at once as the room was brightly lit with sunshine. (understand) the clock said that it was 9.30 a.m. judy jumped out of bed. she quickly put on a white shirt and a dark blue skirt – the clothes she usually wore for school.(she) she her hair when her mum entered the room. (brush) “morning! i didn’t expect you to get up so early today.” “early? i’m awfully late! ” judy answered emotionally. “i my alarm clock for some reason.” (not hear) " her mother smiled. "i breakfast. let is talk while eating." (make) judy looked up,her wide with surprise and misunerstanding.(eye) "i can not have any breakfast,mum.if you do not set off right now,i to school late" (get)

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What is his name? who it is? how old is he? where does le live?

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