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Organa keto for example, if i weigh 100kg and have a body fat percentage of 10%, then my fat-free mass (lean mass) is 90kg. 10kg of my body weight are fat. my goal is to keep the 90kg lean mass as possible while melting the 10kg of fat. with the help of determining the body fat percentage and a balance , i can now determine the two parameters weekly and calculate my lean mass. for example, if i achieved a weight of 95kg and 5% body fat after 12 weeks, my lean mass is 90.25 kg, so it has slightly increased and my fat mass 4.75 kg, which means that this has halved.

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2H2+O2 -> 2HO
n(HO)= 9/18 = 0.5 моль => n = 0.5*0.5 = 0.25 моль
m(a) = 32*0.25= 8 u
ответ: 8 г и 0,25 моль

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