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3answer the questions. if possible , ask a friend the same questions. 1 are there any games or sports on the opposite page that you watch but don’t play ? if so, what are they and where do you watch them ? 2 are there any games or sport on the opposite page you play / do yourself if so, which ? 3 are there any that you are good at ? 4 are there any that you hate ? 5. are there any that are not played much in your country? 6. which game or sport is the most popular in your country? 7. which game or sport on the opposite page is the most dangerous in your opinion? 8. which game or sport requires the most strength? 9.which one has the biggest crowds? 10. can you write down at least three more games/ sports not included opposite. help me please////////

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) We can build nesting boxes for birds.

2) People need to use less heat and air conditioning.

3)We can collect rubbish for recycling in the park every Saturday.

4) We should save water because it is very important resource for people and the environment.


build, use, collect, save

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