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Написать какую ту о событии из жизни на ,и если можно перевод тоже.заранее (15-17 предл.)

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My favourite domestic animal is a puppy. its name is chapa. it was afternoon and the streets were empty as i was going back home after school two month ago.   suddenly i heard some noise under the nearest tree. i came up to the tree and saw a small puppy! he was clean and so pretty that i couldn't help smiling. of couгse, i took this little miracle with me. now my puppy is very fat and kind. its head isn’t big. its neck is short. its paws are small. its  eyes are black and clever. its ears are small. my puppy likes to eat especially milk and chicken. most of all chapa likes to sleep and play. it's very funny and playfull. we play every evening.   i like my puppy very much. i think dogs are very careful and clever.     мое любимое животное – щенок . его зовут чапа. это было днем, и улицы были пусты, как я возвращалась домой после школы в пару месяцев назад. вдруг я услышала какой-то шум под ближайшим деревом. я подошла к дереву и увидела маленького щенка! он был чистый и такой хорошенький, что я не могла удержаться от улыбки. конечно, я взяла это маленькое чудо со мной.  теперь мой щенок   толстый и добрый. у него небольшая голова. его шея короткая. его лапы маленькие. его глаза черные и умные. его ушки маленькие. мой щенок   любит покушать особенно молоко и  цыплят. больше всего чапа любит спать и играть. он смешной и игривый. мы играем каждый вечер. я люблю моего щенка. я думаю, собаки аккуратные и умные

1. Anna has a shower this morning.

Anna didn't have a shower this morning.

Did Anna have a shower this morning?

2. They went at work by bus last morning.

They don't go at work by bus last morning.

Did they go at work by bus last morning?

3. Cats drank milk yesterday.

Cats didn't drink milk yesterday.

Did cats drink milk yesterday?

4. She gets up early this morning.

She didn't get up early this morning.

Did she get up early this morning?

5. You slept on a sofa last night.

You didn't sleep on a sofa last night.

Did you sleep on a sofa last night?

6. He swam in a pool last week.

He didn't swim in a pool last week.

Did he swim in a pool last week?

7. We sang a song on the party last night.

We didn't sing a song on the party last night.

Did we sing a song on the party last night?

8. I forgot to call her yesterday.

I didn't forget to call her yesterday.

Did I forget to call her yesterday.

9. She drove a car last month.

She didn't drive a car last month.

Did she drive a car last month?

10. You lost keys yesterday evening.

You didn't lose keys yesterday evening.

Did you lose keys yesterday evening?


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