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Как отличить в языке present simple от present continuous и от simple past

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present simple- настоящее простое время , используется со словами usually, never, every(day), often и т. д. то, что делается часто( не единичный случай)

present continious- настоящее продолжительное время, единичный случай. используется со словами now, at the moment. действие, которое длится сейчас.

past simple- простое прошедшее время. действие, которое завершилось в неопределенный момент в прошлом. используется со словами ago, last week, yesterday.

1. we saw them even before they recognized us. 2. where did he spend his last vacation? answer: he spent them on the seashore .3. when he went to work, he remembered that he had forgotten to turn off the light. 4. when i left the office, a telegram came. when i came home i saw that my dog ​​was tearing up a book i had borrowed from my friend. she said she had a honeymoon in italy. 7. he had a tooth when he chewed the cud.

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