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Insert proper articles 1 … russia is … big country. 2 what … amazing story! 3 my mum plays … piano. 4 i bought … latest bmw last week. 5 i have yoga classes five days … week. 6 there … clouds in … sky. 7 i drink … coffee with … milk. 8 nora works as … secretary. 9 my sister is married to … farmer. 10 today is … only day when i’m free. 11 would you like … cup of … tea? 12 … rome is … capital of …italy. 13 … solar system consists of eight planets. 14 … boy is wearing … blue jeans and … yellow t-shirt. 15 … sunday is … first day of the week in … britain. 16 should … rich pay more taxes? 17 i heard the news on … radio. 18 …pictures in this book are very colourful. 19 i didn’t go to … school yesterday because i had … stomach ache. 20 … arabic language is written right to left. 21 … us president is elected every four years. 22 … great patriotic war began in 1941.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a

2. an

3. the

4. the

5. a

6. are, the

7. the milk

8. a

9. a

10. the

11. the cup

12. здесь нет артиклев так как это страны

13. the

14. a, a yellow

15. the first

16. здесь нет артиклев потому что rich это прилагательное

17. the

18. the

19. здесь нет артиклев так как go to school это выражение сюда нельзя вставлять thе

20. здесь не употребляется так как и так понятно что есть только один арабский язык

21. us имя собственное не ставится the

22. the

1. i explained this rule to you half a lesson before giving independent work. i have already explained this rule to you. i explained the rule before i gave myself an independent job. when i explained the rule, you chatted with each other. 2. you apologize to me every day. you apologized to me yesterday. you apologized to me today. when you apologized to me, i felt sorry. you used to often apologize to me, not like now. you have long apologized to me, but i did not forgive you.

Популярно: Английский язык