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What are the options after leaving school in ukraine? (ответьте на вопрос, а не переведите) ​

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ответ: what are the options after leaving school in ukraine?


there are a lot of schools in ukraine. after graduation, children go to universities. the most notable are in kharkov, kiev, lviv, dnepropetrovsk, odessa. you can enroll in medical (many types: beautician, doctor, gynecologist, stamotolog), cooks and etc.

объяснение: всё написано правильно!

for the example,you can go to the language translation

This is my father (mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, grandpa, grandma).   – это мой папа (мама, сестра, брат, дядя, тетя, кузен, племянник, племянница, дедушка, бабушка). my dad's name (mom's name, sister's name, brother's name, uncle's name, aunt's name, cousin’s name, nephew's name, niece's name) granddad's name, grandma's name) is (например, victor). – моего папу (маму, сестру, брата, дядю, тетю, кузена (кузину), племянника, племянницу, дедушку, бабушку) зовут виктор. my father (mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, grandpa, grandma) is а teacher (singer, pensioner, pupil, student). – мой папа (мама, сестра, брат, дядя, тетя, кузен, племянник, племянница, дедушка, бабушка)  - учитель. (певец, пенсионер, школьник, студент.)    вначале можно написать про папу: this is my father. my dad's name is victor. my father is teacher. затем поочередно про всех родственников: this is my mother. my mom's name is elena. my mother is singer.

Популярно: Английский язык