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Найдите значение выражения (5a+2b)/(a+3b) если a/b равно 7

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(43 оценок)

ответ: по условию a=7*b тогда данное выражение перепишем как (35*b+2*b)/(10*b)=3,7.

ответ 3,7.

пошаговое объяснение:

4,6(28 оценок)

1) he must be either clever or foolish.

2) neither peter nor john plays football

3) neither she nor he knows.

4) neither dad neither mum answered the phone.

5) he can speak neither english nor german.

6) you can eat either meat or fish.

7) she can get either by bus or by taxi.

8) camels can neither eat nor drink water.

9) she can neither write nor read.

10) either bears or hamsters sleep in winter.

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