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Writing task 2. write a factual or fictitious story about your way to school. you can use the picture below or you can write about your own route to school.you should1. write two paragraphs 2. use connectors but,and,or3. use punctuation marks correctly(перевод на ) написание 2. напишите фактическую или вымышленную о вашем пути в школу. вы можете использовать картинку ниже или написать свой собственный маршрут в школу. вам следует 1. напишите два абзаца 2. используйте разъемы, но, и, или 3. правильно используйте знаки препинания​

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1.  i was looking for him all day. i couldn't find him. 2. he was trying to fix the car all morning. 3. i was buying lots of food this week. 4. i haven't brought any shampoo. 5. it has been snowing, but it stopped now. 6. how long they were cleaning the house? 7. i was knowing lillian for two years. 8. did you cry? your eyes are red.

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