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Match the word and its definition .transtale the word a)material that can be raised or lowered at the front of a stage b) the actors taking part in a play,movie c)the seats on the ground floor in a theater d)a passage between rows of seats e)a preson who shows people to their seats f)captions displayed at the bottom of a movie or television screen g)a raised floor or platform,typically in a theater,on which actors perform h)a criticial appraisal of a book,play,movie 1.aisle 2.review. 3.cast 4.subtitles

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f)captions displayed at the bottom of a movie or television screen - подписи, отображаемые в нижней части фильма или телевизионного экрана   4.subtitles - субтитры

h)a criticial appraisal of a book,play,movie - критическая оценка книги, пьесы, фильма 2.review - обзор

b) the actors taking part in a play, movie - актеры, которые принимают участие в пьесе, фильме 3.cast - актерский состав

d)a passage between rows of seats - проход между и сиденьями 1.aisle - проход

River cannal=речной канал lake=озеро reservoir=резервуар

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