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1. i three james bond films. а: i've see three james bond films. б: i saw three james bond films. в: i see three james bond films. г: i’ve seen three james bond films. 2. he all his homework. а: he’s done all his homework. б: he’ve done all his homework. в: he do all his homework. г: he done all his homework. 3. we that play. а: we's read that play. б: we’ve read that play. в: we reads that play. г: we read that play. 4. they at the airport. а: they arrived at the airport. б: they’s arrived at the airport. в: they’ve arrive at the airport. г: they’ve arrived at the airport 5. i him an e-mail. а: i’ve writen him an e-mail. б: i’ve wrote him an e-mail. в: i’ve write him an e-mail. г: i wrote him an e-mail.

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1. г


3. б

4. а

5. г


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1) Will Adam drink ...? Adam willnot drink ....

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