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Решите тест iii. vocabulary and grammar. 1. tom is really afraid of spiders, and every time he sees one he just … a. freezes b. teases c. embarrasses 2. if you look for a dog or cat, you can get one from the animal … . a. hall b. shelter c. house 3. you’ve managed to make your little brother cry! are you happy with … now? a. himself b. yourself c. yourselves 4. what time … sally to her art lesson this afternoon? a. are you taking b. do you take c. will you take 5. after barney … his chores, he had some rest. a. had been doing b. was doing c. had done 6. jack asked the police officer where … his stolen car. a. they had found b. did they find c. had they found 7. by the time sara gets here, we … for her for more than an hour. a. have been waiting b. will have been waiting c. are going to wait 8. you can’t invite … you want to the party! we can only have fifteen guests. a. whichever b. whenever c. whoever 9. kate is … person i’ve ever met. a. a most clever b. clever c. the cleverest 10. do you think that robots will ever be able to … more complicated tasks such as driving and flying a plane? a. exist b. overcome c. perform 11. the building … when the fire started. a. was being built b. had built c. was built 12. getting together for sunday lunch is a family … . a. habit b. tradition c. custom 13. jack is not a very … person, as he’s not very comfortable with meeting new people. a. silly b. sociable c. strong 14. i can’t understand how samantha manages to … the ironing so fast! a. do b. make c. take 15. one thing i don’t like about this area is that it is … a. too noisy b. noisy enough 16. they are tired of … in the dirty, noisy city, so they’ve decided to move to the country. a. to live b. lived c. living 17. ann loves story books about dragons, giants and other … creatures. a. extinct b. mythical c. modern 18. did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical …? a. imagination b. illusion c. shadow 19. sandra … for three years before she sold her first painting. a. painted b. had painted c. had been painting 20. while lisa … a book, her brother was listening to music. a. read b. will read c. was reading 21. - last night i dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me. - … a. what do you think this means? b. wonderful! c. that’s a thought! 22. andy has … a new gadget again; he really loves making things. a. invented b. become c. divided 23. by this time next week we … our computer training course. a. will complete b. will have completed c. complete 24. – can you give me a hand with the mixer? - … a. what a surprise! b. sure, what’s the problem? c. that’s really kind of you. 25. cake sales are a great way to … money for charities. a. raise b. win c. attract 26. some hollywood actors like to perform their own … even if they are rather dangerous. a. plots b. jokes c. stunts 27. i’ll send you the email as soon as i’m able to … to the internet. a. connect b. download c. install 28. the costume … george has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny. a. which b. who c. where 29. the … anne practiced, the … it became for her to paint portraits. a. much, easy b. more, easy c. more, easier 30. claire made a beautiful clay vase on the … we gave her for her birthday. a. box-office b. potter’s wheel c. desk 31. the eiffel tower … by about six million people each year. a. visits b. is visited c. is visiting 32. mum jumped on a chair and … loudly when she saw a mouse under the bed. a. smiled b. screamed c. sang 33. - is the museum far from here? - . a. of course. where are you going? b. every ten minutes. c. go past the bank and turn left. 34. after doing her chores, mary went on … some phone calls. a. making b. make c. to make 35. the man couldn’t drive in the rain because one of his windscreen … was broken. a. wipers b. headlights c. seats

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1 задание
1- designer
2- teacher
3-part time
6- nurse
7-in a bank

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