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Переведите на язык : я за здоровый образ жизни. важно заниматься спортом. делать по утрам зарядку, возможно даже бегать. это быть бодрым.я правильное питание.ем фрукты и овощи. режим сна. спать желательно восемь - девять часов.по вечерам катаюсь на велосипеде.как можно больше нахожусь на улице.я не курю.мы должны заботиться о здоровье.это лучше для нас самих.только не через переводчик, там не правильно! заранее ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

i am for a healthy lifestyle.

it is important to do sport. do exercises in the morning, maybe even run.

it helps to be cheerful.

i follow a healthy diet.

eat fruits and vegetables.

to respect the sleep mode. it is desirable to sleep from eight to nine hours.

i ride my bike in the evenings.

i don't smoke.

we must take care of our health.

that's what's best for us.

Ex 1

1. in year four seasons

2. My favorite season is summer

3. It's warm in the summer, you don't need to go to school, you can hang out with friends on the street until late

4. walk outside

5. Stay at home and play computer games

6. weather in Krasnodar in sprink sometimes cold sometimes warm

Ex 2

Present Simple

1. I sometimes plays computer Games

2. I usually walks with me friends

Present Continuous

1. We are cooking now

2. I go to park with my family at the weekend

Present Perfect

1. I have readed a book

2. They drunk water

Ex 3

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