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Ex.1. заполните пропуски модальными глаголами сan, may, must.1. you … go out today. it’s too cold. 2. … i take your fountain-pen? - do, please. 3. we … not carry the bookcase upstairs. it’s too heavy. 4. when … you come to see us? – i … come only tomorrow. 5. shall i write a letter to him? -no, you …, it’s not necessary. 6. mary … finish the work at once. 7. … you cut something without a knife? 8. peter … return the book to the library. we all want to read it. 9. why … not you understand it? it’s so easy. 10. … we do the exercise at once? 11. … you pronounce this sound? ex.2. выберите правильный глагол в скобках: 1. (can/may) you play the piano? 2. (can/may) benny watch tv before going to bed? 3. i think i (can/may) do the work myself. 4. (can/may) your friend speak english? 5. (can/may) i have another cup of tea? 6. you (can/may) stay a little longer if you like. 7. i (cannot/may not) hear you. speak louder, please. 8. you (can/may) take the book home. 9. (can/may) i leave my bag with you? 10. i (cannot/may not) believe that..

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)may2)may3)can4)can5)shouldnt6)can7)can8)must9)can10) 1)can2)may3)may4)can5)may6)may7)cannot8)may9)may10)cannot



1) Playing a soccer is good form of exercise.

2) Buckingham palace the official residence of the royal family.

3) Sarah Hughes won the gold medal in women's figure skating "Winter Olympick" at the 2002.

На счёт 3 я немного не уверена... эх...

ну воть тебе Д/з)))

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