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Употребите глагол в скобках в past simple. last week on holiday. (go) last friday. (come) her in the street. (see) he juice. (drink) they poem yesterday. (learn) поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. i saw a movie last night. they had breakfast an hour ago. we went to school yesterday. he got up late last weekend. she gave her mother a beautiful picture for christmas.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. last week we went on holiday. she came back last friday. i saw her in the street. he drank much juice. they learnt the poem yesterday.2. 1) did i see a movie last night? i didn't (did not) see a movie last night.2) did they have breakfast an hour ago? they didn't (did not) have breakfast an hour ago.3) did we go to school yesterday? we didn't (did not) go to school yesterday.4) did he get up late last weekend? he didn't (did not) get up late last weekend.5) did she give her mother a beautiful picture for christmas? she didn't (did not) give her mother a beautiful picture for christmas?

It is no wonder...

I respect...

You all right

Stop talking (singing, worrying и т.д.)

Don't care

Bothering you

Объяснение:Составьте небольшой диалог (минимум шесть предложений) с фразами:

It is no wonder...

I respect...

You all right

Stop talking (singing, worrying и т.д.)

Don't care

Bothering you

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Популярно: Английский язык