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Надо ! 45. why you (put) on your coat? — i (go) for a walk. you (come) with me? — yes, i’d love to come. you (mind) if i bring my dog? 46. you (belong) to your local library? — yes, i do. — you (read) a lot? — yes, quite a lot. — how often you (change) your books? — i (change) one every day. 47. you (like) this necklace? i (give) it to my daughter for her birthday tomorrow. 48. these workmen are never satisfied; they always (complain). 49. you (write) to him tonight? — yes, i always (write) to him on his birthday. you (want) to send any message? 50. tom and mr pitt (have) a long conversation. i (wonder) what they (talk) about. 51. you (believe) all that the newspapers say? — no, i (not believe) any of it. — then why you (read) newspapers? 52. this car (make) a very strange noise. you (think) it is all right? — oh, that noise (not matter). it always (make) a noise like that. 53. the fire (smoke) horribly. i can’t see across the room. — i (expect) that birds (build) a nest in the chimney. — why you (not put) wire across the tops of your chimneys? —tom (do) that sometimes but it (not seem) to make any difference. 54. the children are very quiet. go and see what they (do). — they (cut) up some $ 5 notes. 55. what you (wait) for? i (wait) for my change the boy just (get) it.

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