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Ответы на вопрос:

1. air - воздухheir – наследник2. all - всеawl - шило3. allowed - разрешенныйaloud - вслух4. ant - муравейaunt – тетя5. ball - мячbawl – орать, кричать6. base - основаbass - басс7. be - бытьbee – пчела8. bear - медведьbare - голый9. bite - укусbyte – байт10. blue - синийblew – взорвали


на картинке трудно рассмотреть, чем занимается женщина, но я написал про вязание.


hello, i want to tell you adout the first picture. let's take a closer look at the image. this photo shows a large family. grandmother and grandfather talking and drinking tea. mom and dad sit in chairs next to the fireplace. dad reads the newspaper, and mother is engaged in needlework. children settled on the carpet. girl reading a book, and the boy looks at the pictures. this family looks very cheerful and happy. thank you for your attention. until next time!

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