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Put the verbs in brakets into present simple or present perfect continuons.1don't walk in here . i ( just / clean) the floor. 2jane is hungry. she ( not / eat) anything for six hours. 3 she is tired .she ) for four hours. 4 i don't want to see that film again. see) it twice already. 5sandy teach) english for 10 years. not / do) the washing up yet.7 he walk) all the morning. 8they play) in the garden for two hours.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. A natural disaster occurred in the country of Haiti.

Перевод: Стихийное бедствие произошло в стране Гаити

2. There was an earthquake of magnitude 7.3.

Перевод: Произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,3.

3. People returning home after work

Перевод: Люди возвращались домой после работы

4. About 100,000 people died

Перевод: Погибло около 100 000 человек

5. Ruins have become: many large buildings of Port-au-Prince, the presidential palace, the UN headquarters.

Перевод: В руины превратились: многие крупные здания Порт-о-Пренса, президентский дворец, штаб-квартира ООН.

6. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Перевод: Гаити — одна из беднейших стран мира.

Популярно: Английский язык