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Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1.1 the cheapest way to travel between cities isby . you can buy your ticket at the bus station.2 we took our car on the when we crossed thesea from england to france.3 you can drive at 110 km per hour on the , butnot on other roads.4 my aunt is going on a around themediterranean. the ship holds 5,000 people! заранее большое ! ✨​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 the cheapest way to travel between cities is by coach . you can buy your ticket at the bus station.

2 we took our car on the ferry when we crossed the sea from england to france.

3 you can drive at 110 km per hour on the motorway, but not on other roads.

4 my aunt is going on a cruise around the

mediterranean. the ship holds 5,000 people!

In picture 1 kate and sam are looking at the notice board.they are reading about a photography competition.kate is going to enter it.she is going to do a photo essay.  на рисунке 1 кэйт и сэм смотрят на доску объявлений. они читают про фотоконкурс (или можно соревнование фотографий). кэйт собирается принять участие в нём. она собирается сделать фоторепортаж.  in picture 2 sam is talking to kate about the star of her photo essay на рисунке 2 сэм разговаривает с кейт о лучшей фотографии в ее фоторепортаже.  in picture 3 kate is taking a photo of domino, the cat. на рисунке 3 кэйт фотографирует кота домино. 

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