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Переведите на язык: 1. i was asked to bake a cherry pie. 2. the guests were offered lamb chops, beef stew and fried chicken as a main course. 3. the waiter was told to serve all the guests. 4. samovar was used to boil water for tea. 5. kefir is made of fermented cow's milk. 6. customers were informed of the new prices. 7. okroshka will be served in hot weather. 8. the dishes were washed by my mother. 9. cheese is cut with a special knife. 10. this soup is prepared of kidneys and salted cucumbers.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. меня попросили испечь вишневый пирог.

2. в качестве основного блюда гостям были предложены отбивные из ягненка, тушеная говядина и жареная курица.

3. официанту сказали обслуживать всех гостей.

4. самовар использовался для кипячения воды для чая.

5. кефир изготовлен из кисломолочного коровьего молока.

6. клиенты были проинформированы о новых ценах.

7. окрошка будет подана в жаркую погоду.

8. посуду помыла моя мама.

9. сыр режется специальным ножом.

10. этот суп готовится из почек и соленых огурцов.


1. we are going to the park now.

2 now the children are having tea.

3 mike is riding his bike at the momtnt.

4my cat is watching tv.5. she is washing her daughter bab now.

5. bill and dave are playing computer games.

6 is willy teaching his parrot to sing?

7. i'm not sleeping now.

8 . bill is skating in the park now.

9 my friend is going to school at the moment.

10. what are you reading now?

11. what is your farher having for dinner?

12.your little brother is eating.13. my uncle isn't wearing shorts.

14. are my friends decorating a christmas trees?

15. i am drinking cola.

16. willy isn't eating porridge.

17. are your parents watching tv now?

18. is your puppy talking?

19. he isn't having a fish soup.

20.i am going to the country now.

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