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8класс поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму 1. i (go) to madrid at 12 o’clock yesterday. 2. her sister’s friend (send) letters by e-mail every day. 3. my teacher (communicate) with us in twenty years. 4. we (make) a report now. 5. i (know) my friend for all my life. 6. why you (listen) to this song since yesterday? 7. they (talk) for three hours and (not finish) yet. 8. robber (draw) the picture, when we entered the room. 9. who (invent) the telephone? 10. boys already (send) the letter to their parents. 11. mark (translate) the story before he (give) it to me.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 was going(went)

2 sends

3 will communicate

4 are making

5 have known

6 why have you been listening to this song since yesterday?

7 they have been talking for three hours and have not finished yet

8 was drawing

9 invented

10 boys have already sent a

11 had translated,gave

hello i dont like anglin i like coffe

Motorbike -motorcycle biscuit -cookie lorry -  truck chips -  fries lift-  elevator post -mail flat-apartment1 британское, 2 американское слово

Популярно: Английский язык