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Переведите, ! нарциссы росли в нашем саду в прошлом году. они были красивые. эта путевка «все включено» включает в себя проживание, перелет и экскурсии. моя двоюродная сестра из шотландии. она живет в эдинбурге. но в этом месяце она работает в кардиффе. мы должны подавать заявку на визу, если мы хотим посетить северную ирландию? в уэльсе много древних замков. мы были в шотландии в июне. мы осматривали достопримечательности, пробовали местную еду и много фотографировали. наш отель был с видом на горы. это было живописное место. ты должна туда съездить! ты видел темзу, когда был в лондоне?

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Ответы на вопрос:



daffodils grew in our garden last year. they were very beautiful.

this all-inclusive package includes accommodation, flights and excursions.

my cousin from scotland. she lives in edinburgh. but this month she works in cardiff.

do we have to apply for a visa if we want to visit northern ireland?

there are many ancient castles in wales.

we were in scotland in june. we looked at the sights, tried the local food and took a lot of photos. our hotel was overlooking the mountains. it was a picturesque place. you have to go there!

did you see the thames when you were in london?



daffodils grew in our garden last year. they were very beautiful.

this all-inclusive package includes accommodation, flights and excursions.

my cousin from scotland. she lives in edinburgh. but this month she works in cardiff.

do we have to apply for a visa if we want to visit northern ireland?

there are many ancient castles in wales.

we were in scotland in june. we looked at the sights, tried the local food and took a lot of photos. our hotel was overlooking the mountains. it was a picturesque place. you have to go there!

did you see the thames when you were in londo

как то

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