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главная›топики›страны / countries›великобритания / great britain›великобритания - страна будущего


великобритания - страна будущего

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the united kingdom or the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is the island state in the western europe.

the capital of great britain is london. it`s the cultural center of the country. there is an international london heathrow airport, a famous tower bridge over the river thames, a westminster abbey, the national gallery of art and many other beautiful places to visit.

london is situated on the british islands and it is settled down on a zero meridian which is also called greenwich.

the english sometimes calllondon the big smoke or the great smoke.

the are about 60 million people living in great britain. most of them are english, scottish and irish.

they also have many traditions,like wearing kilts in scotland and cooking special food for festivals. they celebrate many events in different ways. but all the members of the family take part in it.

people in great britain are kind and polite.

many famous people was born and lived in great britain.

william shakespeare is one of them. he wrote many plays like "romeo and juliet", "hamlet", "macbeth" and others. most of them are tragedies.

shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. he lived in stratford - on - avon with his wife anne hathaway and his children.

the best writer of his time was as good actor as a writer. he appeared in his own plays at the globe theatre and other london theatres.

i know great britain is by the right considered the state of the future and i would like to go to london and see the most beautiful sights in the capital of this country. i hope my wish will come true.


1.what is the capital of uk?

2.what is interesteng in the uk?

3.what can you say about the uk?

4.who rules great britain?

5.what museums are there in uk

6.what celebrities live in uk

7.what are the cities in the uk

8.what currency in uk

9.great britain consists of four parts?

10.what is your favotite city in great britain?

Hi i am fedor. i am 11 years old. i live in russia my country is very big.igo to school every day.i like ride my bike. 

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