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The world'sforests aro indanger and womust look afterthem. every year,more than 80,000 km' offorests are lost because of agricultureand industry farmers cut or burnforests so that they can use the landfor planting crops or raising cattle. theworld population is growing and we needto produce more food. but when wedestroy forests, wo wipe outplant and animal species. if we carry onthe destruction, we'll end up in a sadder,greyor world. the future won't be bright.our children and grandchildren will blameus for doing nothing. i'm going to set upa campaign so people can find out howthey can help. to publicize my campaign,i'm going to visit the amazon rainforestnext july, where i'm going to swim ahundred kilometres in the river amazonin ten days. you can sign up for mynewsletter and join in the activities on mywebsite, or watch the documentary on tv.molly osborneперевод ​

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4. what are you doing? - i'm doing my room.

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