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Вставьте в пропуски пропущенные слова или фразы : education demonstration term secondary school training tutorials educational postgraduate subject teaching aids teaching methods theoretical university lectures a student at a college of education in britain studies ..… parallel to his special subject courses. an english ..… student, who wishes to take up schoolteaching, first of all studies his ….. and having obtained a first degree, usually the b. a. or b. sc., takes a ..… diploma course at a university department of education. this course is exclusively concerned with ….. him as a teacher, usually as a ..… teacher. the six weeks of ….. are chiefly taken up with lectures and ….. on the theory of education, ..… psychology, the history and sociology of english education, and ….. the students are also given a course on the use of ..… . they are also able to watch … lessons in various schools. then their first full-time ….. practice begins. next term is also divided between ….. and practical work. in the summer term there are a few weeks of ….. and tutorials, followed by examinations in may.

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Сэм ходит в магазин каждый день. он хороший мальчик. он маме по дому. он покупает черный хлеб. сэм любит шоколад и мороженое

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