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Еисправьте ошибку, солравьте ошибку, содержащуюся в каждом предложении.articles unit 201the robin hood was an ee robin hood was an english hero. he stole from the rich and gave to the poor.what a beautiful day! there isn't a single cloud in sky,illve in the house with the blue door on the motton road,the documentary on tv last night about the customs of the tahiti was very interesting.5in the traditional dance, the men dance in a middle of the room.6irish are very hospitable and welcoming.7the bedouin are a tribe of people. they mainly live in desert regions, such as sahara in north africa.8the local theatre usually presents famous plays by great writers, such as hamlet by the shakespeare.fзаполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо. если слово употребляется безартикля, поставьте знак (-).ant.ooriver which runs through rome is tiber,when teacher asked children what job they wanted to do, clark said he wanted to be doctor.in some places in europe, young people have to spend up to three years in army.ot of people work in factories, but i want to work in office, like my parents.i was in _ taxi and i was so busy talking on phone that i got out of taxi without paying. it washonest mistakellake balkal is freshwater lake in south of russian region of siberia.larry is german, but he lives in netherlands and he speaks- dutch very well.- nell armstrong was astronaut, and became first man to walk on __moon.o–заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо. если слово употребляется безaptmkna, mocrabbte 3nak (-).world music. it is describedtraditional music is often called folk music or even (1)in different ways, as music of (2)lower classes, or music by (3)written form. folkunknown composers, or music which usually does not have (4)other words, it is not written down. (6)music is passed on orally, in (5)songs of (7)particular type of folk music are learnt and played by members ofnext generation of musicians learns them by(8)community and (9)songs are kept alive. (11)listening and watching. in this way. (10)years. perhapsoriginal song may go through many changes over (12)(13)best description of traditional music is: 'folk music is what (14)people sing,​

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