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Use the right form of the verbs in brackets 1.1 found mother at one of the counters in the kitchen. she (slice) the chilled boiled potatoes i (make) earlier. she (have) a cup of coffee next to her, and a cigarette (dangle) from her mouth. i hated her to smoke around us, and most especially when she (work) in the kitchen. "mother, you (mind) not smoking when you (prepare) food? " "i not (drop) cigarette ash in the salad, if that's what you (get) at," she answered. "i know you're not. i just hate the smoke, mom. please, put it out. if not for your health or mine, at least for your grandchildren's sake. you know what they (say) about second-hand smoke." "but the kids live in manhattan. think of all the polluted air they (breathe) in there." "only too true, mother," i (snap), "but let's not add to the problem of air pollution out here, shall we? " ii."why i not (go) into the kitchen and start on the potato salad? " my mother said. "oh, but diana's going to make that." "good heavens, mallory, what an englishwoman (know) about making an ail-american potato salad for an all-american celebration like independence day? independence from the british, i (may) add." "you not (have to) give me a history lesson." "i (make) the salad," she sniffed. "it always (be) one of my specialities, in case you (forget)."

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) a transmission line forms a path from one place to another for directing the transmission of energy.

2) the model correctly predicted the poor performance of the 1858 transatlantic submarine telegraph cable.

3) the voltage on the wire at a given time can be assumed to be the same at all points.

4) the cable or wire should be treated as a transmission line if the length is greater than 1/100 of the wavelength.

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