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Напишите небольшое (100-150 слов) сочинение-рассуждение на языке на тему homeschooling, обязательно 3 аргумента за или против(что-то одно). пишите простыми словами, чтобы потом можно было его выучить.

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Ответы на вопрос:

what can homeschooling give? let's look at the positive side of it.

there is an individual program, not standardized training. at home, you can build your own educational program, based on your interests.  

there is more creativity, less boredom. who said that learning is what happens in the walls of the school, at the desk, with a textbook in hands and a teacher at the blackboard? what prevents you from going to the park to study botany or visit the planetarium when you pass the star system? the school framework does not limit you, and for you the whole world is an educational space. the ability to gain knowledge not from textbooks, but from primary sources not only increases efficiency, but also develops enthusiasm for the subject.

how not to admit the flexibility and convenience. no one doubts that a huge amount of time at school is spent simply in vain. and if we take into account school activities, time for the road, it turns out that homeschooling can be built much more efficiently than school.  

as a conclusion, i want to say that even if there are difficulties, their overcoming can be a plus in the future, because when entering the university the child will develop all the skills for successful learning, self-education and career development .

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