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1. put the verb in brackets into the present continuous tense. раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в present continuous tense. 1. look! my cat (to play) with a ball. 2. now she (to go) to school. 3. why she (to cry) now? 4. he (to work) hard at his french. 5. what you (to do)? 6. where is john? he (to play) football in the yard. 7. leave me alone. i (to work). 2. use the present indefinite or the present continuous tenses. раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол present indefinite или present continuous. 1. bears (to like) honey. 2. fetch a doctor! the poor man (to die)! 3. i (to want) a dozen of good cigars, please. 4. i usually (to drive) too fast! 6. you (to eat) fruit every day? 7. how often you (to wash) your dog? 3. use the correct form of the verb “to be” (the present continuous or the past continuous tenses). употребите глагол “to be” в правильной форме и времени (present continuous or past continuous). 1. be quit, he writing a composition now. 2. what nelly doing while nick drinking tea yesterday? 3. where the boys? they having breakfast. 4. i watching tv at six o’clock yesterday. 4. use the past indefinite or the past continuous, the present indefinite or the present continuous tenses. раскройте скобки, употребляя past indefinite или past continuous, present indefinite или present continuous. 1. you (to see) him yesterday? – yes, he (to stand) in the hall laughing. 2. i (to do)a lot of work every day. 3. my friends (to talk) right now. 4. simon met his wife while she (to work) at his hospital. 5. gene (to eat) dinner when his friend called. 6. last year we (to visit) the states. 7. my mother (to hate) smoking. 8. i didn’t want to meet paul so when he entered the room i (to leave). 5. match parts i and ii. соотнесите 1 и 2 части предложения. 1 2 my friend came to see me i am learning to ride a bicycle he was telling us two hours about his trip to india he will be a good lawyer it rains he cleans his teeth now in a year yesterday every week last week every morning and every evening 6. translate into english. use indefinite or continuous tense forms. переведите на язык. когда я переходил улицу, меня остановил милиционер. 2. посмотри на небо: темнеет. 3. обычно я слушаю музыку, когда выполняю . 4. куда ты идешь? – я иду в кино. 5. ты часто ходишь в кино? 6. завтра я испеку свой любимый пирог. 7. послушай! кто-то стучит в дверь. 8. поторапливайтесь! автобус отправится через 5 минут. 7. make the following sentences interrogative. образуйте различные типы вопросительных предложений. обозначьте тип вопроса. 1. nick and kate are playing in the children’s room. 2. he was walking with his dog at that time. 8. choose the right variant. выберите правильный вариант. 1. room is empty. a) the fifthb) five 2. school year begins on the of september. a) one b) first 3. he was born in 1900. a) nineteen zero zero b) nineteen hundred 4. company “a” made $2 profit this year. millionsb) million of people hate smoking. a) hundredb) hundreds 9. use “some”, “any”, “no” or their derivatives. вставьте местоимения “some”, “any”, “no” или их производные. 1. i’d like to buy … books on law. 2. are you going for the weekend? 3. he has never been to … foreign countries. 4. i’m hungry. i haven’t had … breakfast this morning. 5. there are … boys in the garden because they are at school. 6. can i have … milk? – yes, you can have … . 7. she felt unhappy, she had to speak to, to do. 8. could you lend me … money? – i’m afraid i have … money with me. choose the right pronoun. выберите правильные местоимения. 1. there is … place like home. a) no b) none c) nobody 2. it’s easy, you can do it… . a) your b) yours c) yourself 3. i’ll post the letter… . a) by me b) myself c) oneself 4. i invited my friend to … place. a) mine b) my c) me 5. she wanted to tell me … interesting. a) something b) somebody c) some 6. there is … new under the sun. a) nothing b) anything c) any 11. insert “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few”. вставьте местоимения “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few”. 1. in spite of shakespeare’s fame we know very … about his life. 2. … people left this hotel yesterday. 3. there are only … cakes on the plate. 4. he has … friends so he almost never goes out. 5. fortunately, my old car requires … repairs. 6. some hundred years ago very … people could read and write. 7. do you put … milk in your coffee? – no, i put … . 12. translate into english using “some”, “any”, much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few” or their derivatives. переведите на язык, выбрав правильное местоимение или его производное. 1. в этом стакане слишком мало молока. 2. сколько у тебя книг? 3. сколько у тебя сыра? 4. она где-то в саду. 5. мы никого не видели в зале. 6. я положила очки где-то здесь. 7. в чайнике нет воды. 8. хотите чаю? – да, немного.

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Iam in the 7 "a" grade in secondary school no. 1 in the orenburg region in the village akbulak. i am 13 years old. i thought, and decided to tell what could be with me in 2020. and that`s what i thought.
in 2020, perhaps i will live in the capital of our country, moscow. probably find new friends, but also with old friends, too, will communicate. i hope to get higher education. another thing i would like to get a prestigious job, which i can earn money, and if the earnings will be good, i hope i can help my country and people in need. i buy myself a steep car, nice big house. i think so, because now i`m learning well in school, play sport, wear stylish and fashionable clothes, i was popular in society, have been receiving a small income on the internet.

and in 2020 i hope to stay in the same smart, sporty and popular in society. if i stay the same then i can support my family and myself, i will always be a lot of wonderful friends. maybe i will become a famous athlete or a famous television presenter, or will work in sprouted policy.
i certainly want to be the way i describe myself now, because it is very healthy and beautiful!
but things can change i`ll be carried away by what some science, invent or discover something new for yourself or for the whole earth. can i even become president, but it is certainly my most recent version of my fate, although this too can happen. suddenly i become an astronaut or a pilot, i doge and not know who i become, i think that i would be able to work in any profession. maybe even i`ll go to another country or will travel to different countries and explore their sights.i was even able to become a computer hacker and can crack the different social networks. after all i can choose an array of different professions.
that`s what i imagine their future in 2020!

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