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Переведите как только кто-либо просматривает странную видеокассету, у него сразу же звонит телефон. через неделю после этих событий каждая жертва неминуемо погибает. жуткие и необъяснимые обстоятельства вызывают смятение, панику и внимание средств массовой информации.главная героиня работает журналисткой. ей крайне необходимо пролить свет на все происходящее, ведь ужасную кассету каким-то невообразимым образом смог увидеть ее сын. чтобы спасти мальчика от нависшей угрозы, молодой женщине нужно во что бы то ни стало разобраться во всем. будет ли гонка с самой смертью иметь успех?

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если на анг.яз., то по моему так:

as soon as someone watches a strange video tape, his phone immediately rings. a week after these events, each victim inevitably perishes. terrible and inexplicable circumstances cause confusion, panic and media attention. the main character works as a journalist. she urgently needs to shed light on everything that happens, because her son was able to see the terrible tape in some unimaginable way. in order to save the boy from the looming threat, the young woman needs to figure everything out by all means. will the race with death itself be a success?

The political systems of great britain and the united states. the project allows students to get acquainted with two samples of western democracies: the british constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy and the american presidential/federal republic or constitutional democracy. when this is done the accents on the details that will help the students to understand the essence of democratic states. the project is expected to run for 5-6 weeks. in many countries english is the dominant language, however, has no official status. in australia, english is spoken by most of the population, and english is the only language used in state institutions. however, australia has no official language. same situation is with the united kingdom, and the united states, although in many states, english is the official language. english is the dominant language in new zealand and the official language of canada (along with french), india (along with hindi and some other languages), ireland (along with the irish), the philippines, along with tagalog). english is the only official language of the commonwealth and commonwealth games. english is one of the official languages of the un, the eu and the ioc (international olympic committee). many of these countries are or were colonies of great britain or were or are located in a different kind of dependencies from the united kingdom (the british empire), or depend on us - the former british colony. with the exception of rwanda, a former belgian colony, and eritrea, which was an italian colony, and where the power of the british empire spread only during the second world war. the language situation in india is quite complex. according to the constitution of india in hindi writing devanagari is the official language and english as the "subsidiary official language". however, english is the language of state laws, and decisions of the supreme court and, along with hindi, one of the two languages of the indian parliament. english in india, in fact, is the only language used in higher education, business and science. lessons in most schools is conducted in english. turks and caicos caribbean 26,000 virgin islands (u.s.) caribbean 111,000

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