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14. open the brackets and use the verbs in the past simple tense to make up a story (packponскобки и поставь глаголы в прошедшее простое время, чтобы составить рассказ.)one day mr wilson's parrot escaped (to escape). we(towant) to catch him. we ? (to sk) mr green to give us his ladderand a(to climb) up. but the parrot(to fly) ontothe bus. so weto buy) two tickets to the park. we(to see the pairot on the island inthe middle of the lake. w(to paddle) a canoe there with our teacher. after thatthe parrot(to hide) in a shed. we(to take) the keys and(to open) the door, but the bird(not/to be) there already. we12(to search) for it in the park andfinally 13(to find) it in mrs smith'sgarden.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


in june i shall go to walk with my friends every day. i shall take my dog for a walk. i shall help my mother about the house: for example - i will dust the furniture, mop the floors, sweep the floors and air the rooms.

in july, i shall travel to my granny. she leaves in odessa. we will visit many shops, cinemas and theatres. she will buy many tasty things for me. granny will buy for me ice cream every day. i love my granny.

in august my parents and i will travel in egypt. we will travel there by the plane. my mother will book plane tickets tomorrow. we will live in the fashionable hotel. we will leave our luggage in the hotel. we will go to the beach. we will swim in the sea and will sunbathe. i will enjoy my summer holidays.


тут немного больше чем 15. сорри, надеюсь

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