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30 1 - i speak english (good, better, best) than my younger sister.2 - i live in (a, the, ничего) russia.3 - last week my friend (write, wrote, writing) me a letter.​

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3- незнаю

i speak english better than my younger sister.

i live in the russia.

last week my friend wrote me a letter.

2. A: Is Mary playing computer games?

B: No, she isn't. She's doing her homework.

3. А: Is the dog playing in the garden?

В: No, it isn't. It's sleeping by the fire.

(т.к. мы не знаем пол собаки, ставим it, но возможен и вариант с he/she)

4. A: Are you eating breakfast?  

B: No, I'm not. I'm getting dressed.  

5. A: Are Sue and Dave doing the shopping?  

B: No, they aren't. They're watching TV.


Популярно: Английский язык