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Контрольная работа no1вариант – 1. 1.заполнить пропуски нужной формой глагола «tobe» : ..an1) he born in 1985. 2) we students now. 3) we good friends at the college. 4).*interesting book. 5) who absent today? 6) a student. 7) what he? 8) he a doctor 2.составить предложения: 1) doesn't / he / believe / women2) never / when / go / to / the / university / we / we / take /а/ bus3) when / she / usually / him / she / sees / smiles 3.put the there is/ there isn't / is there / there are / there aren't / are there.1) look! a photo of your husband in the newspaper.2) excuse me! a bank near here? 3) five people in my family. 4.поставить следующие предложения во множественное число произведя нужныеизменения: 1) this is my stocking. 2) he has a new suit. 3) the plate was on the table. 4) this town is verylarge. 5.употребить притяжательный падеж существительных: 1) the toy of their children.2) the questions of my son.3) the wife of my brother.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

номер 1.

1) he (is) born in 1985. 2) we (are) students now. 3)we (are) good friends at the college. 4)* (this is) interesting book. 5)who (is) absent today? 6)he (is) a student. 7)what is he? . 8) (is) he a doctor?

номер 2.

1) he doesn't belive women.

2) we go to take bus never university.

3) she when usually sees him smiles.

номер 3.

1) look! there is a photo of your husband in the newspaper.

2) excuse me! is there a bank near here?

3) there are five people in my family.

номер 4.

1) these are my stockings.

2) he has new suits.

3) the plates were on the table.

4) this towns is very large.

номер 5.

1) this toy of his children.

2) these questions are my son.

3) this is my brother's wife.

organized crime - is complex criminal activitiesimplemented on a large scale organizations and other groups withinternal structure, which receive financial profit and gainpower through the establishment and operation of markets for illegal goods and services. thesecrimes often transcend national borders. understandingorganized crime is even less defined than the violent,selfish or economic. the basis of allocation of organized crimeout of the total of illegal behavior are the nature and extent of organizedinteraction of several criminals with each other when carrying out theirprolonged activity. often determined and organized crimeas a process of rational reorganization of the underworld, by analogy withlegitimate business on legitimate markets. thiscriminal business activities in pursuit of its objectives, takinginvolved in such illegal activities as a deal with illegalgoods and services, market monopolization, corruption and the use ofintimidation.the phenomenon of organization is not only and not so much the commissionspecific acts as the establishment of the criminal groups, itexistence and its criminal activities. exactly the same ordifferent crimes is a relatively common cause of organized betweenan entity (a group), each of which has its own functionalduties, "the rights and powers." "cosa nostra" (italian - "our business") are moreor less accurately reflects the nature of organized crime.the social base of organized crime and the range of its capabilitiescommand economy of a socialist society in the ussr were alone in the transitioneconomy of russia and other post-soviet states other in capitalistcountries - the third. in the ussr, organized crime, in parasitizedmostly on a planned economy, was simplified and subordinate bureaucracy in"transition" period-has become more sophisticated and extensive, independent, and in"capitalist world" - appears as a complex system of self-specific subjects of special market relationships. in the structure of organizedcrime is also reflected criminal activities,ethnic, religious, national

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