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Cheating kills sports.   nowdays sport is not fun, it is about who can cheat better and don't get caught.  all this starts in small towns and cities outside the capital (moscow). it starts with sport schools championships. parents find the way to buy their kids first places, even though children are not that good. then parents do their financial best to push the kids to sport schools that are located in moscow, so the kids get the chance to find themselves in national teams. not only money helps in this situation. doping does its job as well. the places in national, continental, world, even olympics champioships have its money value. the prices are high though. are you ready to risk 50 000 euros for just a chance to take part in olympic games. what if ytou don't win? ! but some sportmen and sportwomen take these risks. they are also forced to take pills, so their results are better. but sometimes the price to pay is their lives. there are knowm cases when the sportsmen died because of taking doping.  let's take biathlon. one may think it is exciting and entertaining. well, i don't agree. no human without the help of special pills can live throgh the physical activity they have every day, running more than 50 kilometers a day, and contsantly holding their breath while shooting.  let's face it, the sport for fun, and entertaning sport is the one, when you yourself go to the skating ring or to the swimming pool. the sport you see tv is not fun at all - it's just cheating - the matter of money and better обман убивает спорт. сейчас спорт - это не веселье, это вопрос, кто круче обманет и не будет пойман.  все начинается в маленьких городах вне столицы, на чемпионатах спортшкол. родители находят возможность покупать первые места для их детей, даже, если их дети не достаточно хороши. затем родители "проталкивают" детей в спортшколы в москве. не только деньги в этой ситуации. еще и допинг. 

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