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Таблицу сравнительными и превосходными показателями: adjective: comparative: long longer tharn fast. faster than pretty. beautiful. more beautiful than ugly uglier tharn thin. fashionable. more fashionable than superlative: the longest the prettiest the thinnest 2. write the comparative: пример: a. old - older b. strong - c. happy - d. modern - e. important - f. good - g. large - h. serious - i. pretty - j. bad older - 3. complete the sentences with a superlative: пример: a. this building is very old. it's the oldest building in the town b. it was a very happy day. it was of my life. c. it's a very good film. it' i've seen. d. it was a very bad mistake. it was in my life. e. it was a very cold day. it was the year. f. she's a popular singer. she's the country. g. he's a very boring person. he' know. h.this house is very big. it is ’ve lived in. i. my cousin is very tall. he is have. j. laura is a very pretty girl. she i know .уйста

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2) eat

3) drinks

4) lives

5) plays

6) speaks

7) goes

8) watch

9) boils

10) studies

11) finishes

12) tidies


1. I play tennis every day.

2. My mom has a coffee every morning.

3. I get up at 7.30.

4. I write emails to my best friend every day.

5. My dad arrives at the office at 8 am.

6. My sister goes to the supermarket every day.

7. My brother reads a book every evening.

8. I go on holiday twice a year.

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