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Закончи вопросы : didn t they, isn t it, wasn t it, won t you, don t you. 1. his best hobby is taking pictures, ? 2. you ll be a famous writer, 3. it was interesting to listen to him, 4. they travelled on a comfortable bus, 5. you like playing

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. his best hobby is taking pictures, isn't it? 2. you'll be a famous writer, won't you? 3. it was interesting to listen to him, wasn't it? 4. they travelled on a comfortable bus,  didn't they? 5. you like playing chess, don't you?      

1. his best hobby is taking pictures, isn't it? 2. you' ll be a famous writer, won't you? 3. it was interesting to listen to him,wasn t it? 4. they travelled on a comfortable bus,  didn t they? 5. you like playing chess, don t you?      

1.  an individual who is currently unemployed and is looking for work is counted as unemployed.  - 1. человек, в настоящее время безработный и ищущий работу, считается безработным.2. the total number of unemployed is divided by the number of persons in the labour force. the result is multiplied by 100 and is called the unemployment rate.  - общее число безработных делится на число работающих людей. результат умножается на 100 и называется уровнем безработицы. 3. unemployment peaked last year and since then has been going down.  -   уровень безработицы достиг максимума в прошлом году и с тех пор постоянно снижался. 4. the imf (international monetary fund) carried out a study last year.  - мвф (международный валютный фонд) провели исследование в прошлом году. 5. in this study they projected a decline in gnp in most countries.  - в данном исследовании они прогнозировали снижение внп в большинстве стран.6. he has been out of work for three months. - он был без работы в течение трех месяцев.

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